CRC Improvements LLC

Drywall repairs:

The term ‘drywall repairs’ may seem simple and obvious to define, however often times there are multiple aspects and repairs that are associated with it. Most importantly is identifying the cause of the problem to prevent further damage.

A few common causes for drywall damage are:

  • Roof leaks
  • Leaky pipes
  • Poor roof ventilation
  • HVAC condensation
  • Accidents while moving furniture, and the list goes on
Just as important as the visual side of drywall repair is the hidden aspects of it, such as repairing/ replacing the substrate, removing and replacing compromised insulation and perhaps re-sealing the HVAC duct vent to prevent condensation from further compromising the surface of a wall or ceiling. It’s also possible that health hazards may be present that require immediate attention for the well being of your family and home. Some of which include mold remediation and removal, pests and/or insect extermination; or rot and/ or compromised framing or substrate. 
No worries, for whatever the cause of your drywall damage you can rest assured that CRC Improvements, with our decades of experience, will discover the source of the damage. Once the source is discovered we then will outline for you the necessary steps in removing, replacing, repairing and completing the work to achieve and sustain the health of your home; while re-assuring the structural integrity that is needed for the stability and sustained strength of your house.

2 common types drywall repairs:

Drywall seam Repairs:

Seam repairs in the walls and ceiling are very common and often overlooked before they become a significant problem. If drywall seams begin to pop it’s essential that they are repaired ASAP. When seams become exposed in your drywall it means that the structural integrity of the interior of your home is compromised and will eventually lead to much bigger problems, damage, and repairs.
Ceiling seams being taped and sealed efficiently is vital to the health of your home. Once drywall seams are exposed, air will be pushed and pulled from inside your home and exit through the roof ventilation system. And vice versa. This will serves as a vacuum causing your ceiling to ‘breath’, eventually compromising and weakening more seams in the house. The inevitable result being more damage and need for repair. Instead of a structurally sound ceiling as one strong and sealed unit, you’ll have separate, compromised sections of drywall. Which if left in disrepair will eventually swell, sag, pull away, and ultimately collapse to the floor.

Water damage to Drywall:

Drywall is damaged quickly by water and moisture. Most of the time this is due to water leaks that occur from various sources. It’s important to identify the source of the leak and repair it before addressing any drywall repairs. Water flows with the force of gravity through the paths of least deterrence, down joists, studs and the interior framing of a house.
This can make it difficult to spot the source of a leak. Oftentimes water can travel a good distance from the source before the leak is identified. This can lead to water and moisture being trapped and sealed in the walls and ceiling, wicking throughout drywall and insulation. This moisture, if not removed immediately, can lead to lumber framing expansion and rot, light fixtures being compromised, and a slew of other serious issues such as various forms of mold. 
There are a variety of ways that drywall can become damaged and no matter how that happens it’s important for the health and the well being of your home and family to have it repaired and properly sealed ASAP.

Stucco Repairs:

Homes built with stucco siding require yearly attention and must be maintained properly to prevent significant damage. Stucco damage can present itself in several ways but commonly begins with hairline cracks. These cracks will allow water and moisture to seep through the siding and become trapped and sealed in the exterior of the house, ultimately dissolving mortar and expanding the lumber framing within the walls.
This will eventually create significant damage to both the exterior and interior of the home. Much of the time the interior of the home will reflect exterior conditions. For example, if you have stucco siding on your home and you start to see stress cracks in in it, most likely after inspecting your interior surface you will also find cracks that have formed there as well. And vice versa. It’s important to maintain your stucco surface annually by filling, sealing repairing and painting your stucco finish before further damage occurs. If stucco is not maintained properly the slow deterioration of both the exterior and interior of your home is at risk.
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